EzUnsecured.com provides easy processing, fast funding and excellent service for Small Business Loans applications. If you’re interested to try, visit their site.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Tuesday, January 29, 2008
TrustSource.org is a website where you can read reviews of people about payday loans and cash advance sites they have used and have ranked. You can find sites here that can supplement your monthly income when needed. Whether you need money for paying bills, car problems, a quick grocery run or for medical emergencies, you can find sites here that are specialized on your particular need and situation. The minimum requirements are first, you have to be employed for at least three consecutive months, and must have an income of at least $1,000 and you must have a valid checking account that is open for at least three months. Applying for a payday loan or qualifying for one is fast and not difficult. A piece of advice: make sure to be responsible enough to include in your list of bills the payment for the loans you have.
1) to develop the proper way of holding the drum sticks,
2) to develop the proper way of hitting with the drum sticks,
3) to develop the strength of the drummer's stroke and
4) to develop playing comfortably at slow and fast tempos.

Instructions on how to play rudiments:
Monday, January 28, 2008
1) Make a list. Write down what you own, what you earn and what you owe. Keep good records, keep receipts. This will help you evaluate your spending.
2) Tell your money where to go. Make a budget and try to stick to it. Instead of being controlled by your money, take control of it instead.
3) Give back to God. Tithing is important. It is an act of worship where we say that God is first even in our finances. It all came from Him anyway so it is also an act of gratitude when we give our tithe.
4) Save for the future. You can try the 10/10/80 principle. You can tithe the 10%, save another 10% and live off 80% of your income. Many people who have grown wealthy followed this pattern.
5) Share your blessings. That will keep the blessing on you flowing. Instead of being stagnant we must be flowing rivers of blessings.
Try these and see what happens.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008

The late Jeff Porcaro of Toto explaining how he came up with the Rosanna groove.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Feel free to use any picture as wallpaper if you can stand 'em. :) Just please give me a ping back to let me know you did.

Monday, January 21, 2008
After I set up the bed and my wife had put on a bed sheet my son, excited, immediately wanted to get up the bed - now it's his bed. Not that he was excited to sleep on it, he really just wanted to jump on it - yeah, that's how playful my 2-year-8-month-old son is. I personally think he's not yet ready to sleep in his own room; he's gotten used to sleeping on the same bed where his mama and papa sleep. But, we do want to slowly train him to sleep on his own bed, and not beside me and Jennie anymore.
I'm just amazed how time flies quickly. I couldn't stop recalling the feel of that bed when I slept on it, and now Jed would need to start getting used to that new feel underneath him. Oh, well. that only means on thing - I'm getting old. :)
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
This camp site houses 600 heads in its rooms and dormitories comfortably. But at last year's camp we were able to fit in about 1,100 participants by maximizing every room and using their five other session halls excluding the covered basketball court which we used as our venue for our general assemblies. The rooms, dormitories and session halls in this camp site are all named after Bible characters, that is because the owners are Christians. They also have prayer cells within their camp site, so they're not only a camp site but a prayer venue as well. Before we conducted our meeting, the owners showed us a small scale model of their planned expansion - a new building which will add additional dorms, rooms and prayer cells to their existing facilities. They plan to finish this project next year.
The name of their camp site was taken from Genesis 32:30, "So Jacob called the place Peniel, saying, 'It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared.'" This is because the owner of Mount Peniel encountered God personally and she began a personal relationship with God that turned her life around and changed her for the better. She and her husband built and currently manage the campsite as a ministry to churches and Christian organizations by providing for them an affordable prayer venue and a camp site.
Our meeting with the owners were really swift and they were really easy to deal with - I believe it is because we share the same life objectives even in our different endeavors and that is to share to people how they can have a life changing personal relationship with God. We hope to settle our deal and make necessary reservation arrangements in the next two to three weeks.
Posted below are pictures of the campsite from our youth summer camp last year:

Thursday, January 10, 2008

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