Do you have a product or a store that you want to advertise? Or do you want to get personal with your customers and need a venue in the world wide web that gives you the environment to meet potential shoppers? An online melting pot for merchants and shoppers is iEmporium Promotions. Here you can experience this by first becoming a member of the site and you can interact with other members who could possibly be a merchant just like you, or a potential client or business partner. You can do this through their Who-IM. It is an instant messenger for their site and you can IM or instant message someone by clicking their picture I their Who-IM box and typing your message in. This site makes business and transactions feel like a regular social interaction online. The products, members and companies seem very wholesome and I find this site family friendly. They also help promote fundraisers, have an adspace for good causes and members can join existing groups or start their own group to get their target audience together. It also has forums where you can start you own discussion and wait for someone to engage you. Visit this site and find out more.
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