Yes, I have been able to access Yahoo services (mail and messenger) through Globe GPRS for free! Now, I am not really updated as to whether Globe has allowed or access to Yahoo or not. But this all started when I got my Nokia 6233 reprogrammed. I totally lost all data in my phone so I needed to get my GPRS and MMS activated. I called the Globe hotline but was frustrated with the way my concern was handled. To summarize they were not able to send the GPRS configuration settings and MMS configuration settings, or at least I didn't receive any if they sent them. So I ventured into manually configuring my Nokia 6233 GPRS and MMS settings.
As I searched for the settings online, I bumped into forums that talked about having free access to Yahoo services through Globe's GPRS. They claimed that it is free because they were not being charged P5 per 15 minutes by Globe or their other rate per kilobyte for using GPRS. I read that, first, you should be able to access sites through GPRS through your phone. It means, GPRS has to be activated in your phone already. For Nokia 6233 users, I will be posting how to manually configure the GPRS settings on later posts.
If you are able to access sites then all you need to do to access Yahoo services for free is to add the following in your bookmarks:
1. Yahoo! -
2. Yahoo! Mail -
3. Yahoo! Messenger -
Once you have added these, you should be able to go directly to the sites and log-in to your Yahoo account. I have personally tried surfing yesterday with a load of P55 and was able to log-in to my Yahoo account (both mail and messenger) for free through myGlobe GPRS.
I have been checking my load once in a while and have not seen any deduction in my load so I guess it's true. In fact, I was able to do mobile blogging while me and my family were in Megamall and posted
our church's Easter celebration. I'm glad I was able to activate blogger's mobile blogging capabilities for my yahoo account that's why I was able to do that. And my prepaid load never got deducted for it. So, why, don't you try it out. I sure hope this post helps those who are wanting to access Yahoo mail and messenger for free through myGlobe GPRS.