Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Add a Venue in Foursquare!

I just became the mayor of YSA Skin Center (in Foursquare)! If you have no idea what I'm talking about then I guess you don’t have an account with Foursquare yet. If you own or manage a restaurant, a shop or any place you want found, foursquare can help you find new ways to connect with people who visit your venue. Visitors can check in to your venue and regular visitors have the opportunity to become its mayor.

According to foursquare...

A mayor in foursquare is the user with the most number of *days* with check-ins at a specific place within the past 60 days. Only one check-in per day counts towards your mayorship tally. If you have a lot of check-ins that seem fake or consistently far away from where you are checking in, these check-ins will not count towards the mayorship total.

As a member, you can also add venue s. You can also integrate foursquare into Facebook and Twitter.

I became a mayor of YSA when I visited the venue with my wife when she availed of a deep peel treatment. Now that she’s done she is just waiting for her face to peel. After the peeling, she will be seeing good results on her face and she may look like she used an anti wrinkle serum.

So, create a foursquare account now and add your new venue.
