Saturday, September 4, 2010

Greetings and Service

Everybody enjoys great customer service. In the last pizza place my wife and I went to, we experienced being served by a lady who served with sincerity, patience and great service.

As soon as we arrived, she greeted us, ushered us into good seats, gave us each menus to pick out what we want to eat. She excused herself for a while to give us time to think about what we were going to order. In many restaurants we’ve been to we encounter waiters/waitresses who pressure us into ordering right away, that’s why I really preferred how the lady in this pizza place handled our situation.

After ordering a couple of “bunch of lunch” and a drink (perhaps that will give you an idea what pizza place I’m writing about), we did not have to wait too long before our food was served, although we were advised as to how long it would take them to prepare our food. While eating, we were revisited and constantly checked by her to see if we needed anything else and to ask how we liked our food – I find this very thoughtful and friendly.

When it came to getting the bill, she was quick to give it to us that we did not have to wait long. She was also patient enough to explain how their point of purchase displays were not working that’s why she was giving us hand written bills instead of the usual print out. Because of all these efforts, my wife and I felt that she deserved a good tip and that their restaurant deserved for us to come back to.

All these made me reflect upon how ushers and greeters in church can make an impact among visitors, returning visitors or regular attendees who are not close to anybody around. If people who are gifted with friendliness, warmth, sincerity and love for strangers, use their ability or skill to reflect God’s love and openness to even just a few people sitting in the church, how many would change their minds about not going back. Sometimes it’s not just about the preaching, the music or the facilities but the friendliness of the people in church that make people decide to come back. Just think about it…

"Keep on loving each other as brothers. Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it." Hebrews 13:1-2
