Monday, September 20, 2010

Watch out for My Book Review of "Outlive Your Life" by Max Lucado

I received another book from BookSneeze (Thomas Nelson) and it is Max Lucado's new book entitled Outlive Your Life. This is the fourth book I have received and will be reviewing for them. Becoming a book reviewer for BookSneeze has helped facilitate my one-book-a-month reading goal. I haven't actually read 8 books yet, maybe about 5 books but at least I am able to read some books this year. Last year, I can't even recall having finished a book (for personal reading).

Outlive Your Life by Max Lucado (Thomas Nelson)

I do read for studying for the things that I preach and teach, but I do not count those readings as part of my mental growth plan. I am so thankful for this opportunity that BookSneeze is giving for bloggers like me because now I am able to read new stuff, for free! Watch out for my review of "Outlive Your Life" by Max Lucado.
