Yesterday, we began our two extension Bible classes at our church where we are offering Old Testament Survey 1 and Survey of Theology 1. We had five who signed up for the class and last night there were five who showed up. We are still expecting two more student s to join on Friday for the second meeting. The classes will run until March 11, 2011.

Prensently, our weekday activities at the church are:
Tuesdays – Youth Center is open from 1:30 -6:30 PM
Wednesdays – Baptist College for Leadership (BCL) extension classes from 4:00-8:00 PM
Thursdays – Youth Center is open from 1:30 -6:30 PM
*Free Martial Arts training 4:00-6:00 PM (attire - jogging pants and white shirt, not men's running shorts)
Fridays – Baptist College for Leadership (BCL) extension classes from 4:00-8:00 PM

Visit us Sumulong Baptist Church Makati's website.
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