Friday, February 18, 2011

Preaching With an iPad

I have been trying out different tablet gadgets which I could use as I preach. Usually, I print out my manuscript when I preach a sermon and turn the pages as deliver the sermon. But with the availability of technology I thought of using a tablet where I can load many sermons.

The first one I tried was the aPad which is a China made android tablet. It was capable of doing what I wanted it to do except that the lag in sliding the page of the document causes some delays and it greatly affects my delivery. Another downside is I had to keep it plugged because of the short battery life.

When we decided to get an Apple iPad everything ran so smoothly. Last Sunday, I preached using the 16GB iPad we got and had no problems both with battery and navigation. Now I am thinking about getting an iPhone 4 and a couple of iphone 4 cases for my wife so she can enjoy the apps in the iPad while carrying a smaller unit.
