I am not one who uses facial cleansers, washes or gels, but after attending the Nivea for Men Multi Effect 8 event last night at the 360 Degree Fitness Club in Makati, I became curious about it and as soon as I got home, I tried the Nivea for Men Multi Effect 8 Face Wash and the Multi Effect 8 Moisture Gel. When I woke up this morning, I used the products again (the recommended use is every morning and evening) and it's no joke, I really felt the difference on my skin right away - that's after two uses! I guess that's why these new products claim to fight 8 main problems of oily skin.

I was shocked to find the skin on my face so supple and moisturized after using the Nivea for Men Multi Effect 8 products twice. I guess this is how ladies feel as well after discovering new beauty products that provide noticeable effects right away.

Ms. Jamie Sanico, Nivea for Men and Nivea Sun's Assistant Brand Manager addressing participants in the event at 360 Degree Fitness Club
At last night events, I received two sets of Nivea for Men products and when I got home, I started sorting them and set aside the ones that I can use regularly. I thought that since I got them for free, I might as well try them and see how effective they are. So, I was really positively surprised of its immediate effect on my face that I had to write this post right away.
My Nivea for Men loot
According to Nivea's research, men encounter problems with their face too. In fact they identified eight (8) main problems of having oily skin (which is the kind of skin I have):
1. Excessive Oiliness
2. Oily Shine on Face/Skin
3. Enlarged & Clogged Pores
4. Dry skin feeling after cleansing
5. Uneven & impure look
6. Formation of blackheads
7. Formation of whiteheads
8. Acne
Against these problems, Nivea for Men Philippines launched the Multi Effect 8 line of products, particularly the Face Wash and the Moisture Gel, the two products I curiously set aside even before getting to read what they can do for me.

Nivea for Men Multi Effect 8 Face Wash

Nivea for Men Multi Effect 8 Moisture Gel
The Multi Effect 8 line of products claim these benefits:
1. Long-lasting control of skin oiliness
2. Remove oily shine
3. Prevent blackheads & whiteheads
4. Help to prevent pimples
5. Unclog, tighten and refine pores
6. Refresh the skin
7. Prevent dry and taut skin feeling
8. Smoothen and even out the skin
I would say that I immediately felt benefits 5,6,7 and 8 after using the Nivea for Men Multi Effect 8 Face Wash and Moisture Gel. As for the other benefits, I plan to continue using the two products to find out if they will indeed take effect.
To know more about the new Nivea for Men Multi Effect 8 products, visit www.nivea.ph and like the Nivea for Men Philippines page on FB. You can view more pictures of the Nivea for Men Multi Effect 8 event at the FB album I created.
I was glad and proud seeing my mentor in the event. :-) here's my post: http://www.duldulao.net/2011/08/25/nivea-mens-multi-effect-8-fights-8-main-problem-oily-skin/
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