Sunday, December 15, 2013

Forgiveness: Overcoming the Impossible by Mathew West | Book Review

This book by Matthew West is not just another book on forgiveness. This book encompasses different aspects of forgiveness like, forgiving others, asking for forgiveness, forgiveness one's self, and embracing God's forgiveness. With Matthew West's experience in his musical career, he shares stories of forgiveness and how it impacts the person needing to experience or give it. I like the stories best because they go beyond sharing of principles of forgiveness but to the real and practical part of forgiveness.

"Forgiveness: Overcoming the Impossible" book cover

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Weekend Projects

Weekend are the best part of my week. It is precious because it is the chance to spend time with my wife and my son - it's family time. Sometimes, family time is spent going out but sometimes we do errands and even stay home to do household chores like wash the car, arrange aico bedroom furniture and do some projects.

Our latest project, after setting up Christmas decors was working on the gallery at our stairwell.  It seemed an impossible task because the wall was so high but with some team work, we were able to finish the project.